BEPPE BON Group:( you tube digitando Beppe Bon) Gentilissimi Alessia & Alessio siamo lieti di invitarVi insieme ad altre coppie prossime alle NOZZE ad una nostra serata musicale che si terrà SABATO 28 GENNAIO 2012 presso la MASSERIA TORRE CATENA, strada prov. Polignano/Castellana, contrada Torre Catena 872, a partire dalle ore 21,00. Ingresso libero e possibilità di mangiare anche solo pizza. Nel caso decidiate di venire gradiremmo una Vostra prenotazione per poterVi riservare il tavolo. Info: 3288220993 oppure CORDIALI SALUTI
Messaggio di:
Promessi Sposi Wedding Planner 07/03/2012 alle 11:04
Cari futuri sposi, la data fatidica è ormai vicina e sarete sicuramente immersi nei vari preparativi! A tal proposito, qualora aveste bisogno di una consulenza su un qualsiasi aspetto del matrimonio, che sia la ricerca di un servizio fondamentale(fiori, foto, bomboniere, ecc.) o la ricerca di idee originali, siamo a vostra disposizione! Attraverso la nostra creatività e i vostri preziosi consigli, potremmo anche definire insieme il fil rouge del vostro matrimonio, che legherà in maniera armoniosa lo stile e i colori di tutti quei dettagli (partecipazioni, libretti messa, coni porta riso, tableau mariage, segnaposti, ecc.) che daranno un tocco di qualità a questo evento speciale. Ci occupiamo di organizzazione di matrimoni e il nostro obiettivo è quello di rendere il giorno delle vostre nozze indimenticabile!
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Lapirotecnicapugliese 16/05/2012 alle 18:38
ciao sposi sono una azienda di bari e ci occupiamo di spettacoli di fuoichi d'artificio scenografici ,cosa ne dite se' al taglio della torta facciamo una scenografia di fuochi d'artificio con salita d'argento e cascate di stelle ,a partire da 300€ a salire. ok 0809673995
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Messaggio di:
Bredsistert 26/02/2013 alle 08:01
However, the truth that car title loans fill a void within the market can often be ignored. Never be hasty in your decision, the vehicle loans market is very competitive. [url=]car title loans[/url] ' You will probably be able to drive the vehicle while you've the credit.
People may even have a low credit score score but that cannot stop them from getting new loans. If you are able to supply something of worth that might be used to secure that loan the most common merchandise is houses, stocks, bonds, sometimes jewelry, real estate property and cars. Instead they loan money based solely for the condition and value of the borrower's vehicle, which is determined by the Kelley Blue Book.
To apply online, everything you should have are these materials:1. As long while you make your payments on time as well as the pay amount determined in the terms of the loan, you don't have to concern yourself with messing up your credit or losing your car. If you connect to the net by DSL or cable modem, install firewalls and anti-spyware applications, and clean your personal computer of viruses regularly to stop hackers from accessing the personal identifying and financial data on your hard drive. [url=]car title loans los angeles[/url] Car title loans are short-term loans that you are able to make do putting the car as collateral.
14/01/2012 alle 17:24
07/03/2012 alle 11:04
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26/02/2013 alle 08:01
People may even have a low credit score score but that cannot stop them from getting new loans. If you are able to supply something of worth that might be used to secure that loan the most common merchandise is houses, stocks, bonds, sometimes jewelry, real estate property and cars. Instead they loan money based solely for the condition and value of the borrower's vehicle, which is determined by the Kelley Blue Book.
To apply online, everything you should have are these materials:1. As long while you make your payments on time as well as the pay amount determined in the terms of the loan, you don't have to concern yourself with messing up your credit or losing your car. If you connect to the net by DSL or cable modem, install firewalls and anti-spyware applications, and clean your personal computer of viruses regularly to stop hackers from accessing the personal identifying and financial data on your hard drive. [url=]car title loans los angeles[/url] Car title loans are short-term loans that you are able to make do putting the car as collateral.